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非线性规划第2版(大牛Dimitri P. Bertsekas)中文版- 金融工程
Author: Dimitri P. Bertsekas. Publisher: ISBN: 1886529051. Category: Mathematical optimization. Page: 859. View: 506. Read Now » The third edition of the book is a thoroughly rewritten version of the 1999 2nd edition. New material was included, some of the old material was discarded, and a large portion of the remainder was reorganized or revised. This book provides a comprehensive and D. Bertsekas, J. Tsitsiklis; Mathematics, Computer Science; Math. Oper. Res. 1 August 1991; TLDR. We consider a stochastic version of the classical shortest path problem whereby for each node of a graph, we must choose a probability distribution over the set of successor nodes so as to reach a certain destination node with minimum expected cost. Expand . 465. 58. View via Publisher. Save Bertsekas, Dimitri P. Abstract dynamic programming. Belmont, MA: Athena Scientific, 2013.-----相关文章推荐-----现代科学的研究越来越强调学科之间的交叉,然而学科交叉不可避免的产生着很大的壁垒。Richard Bellman也曾经面临这样的问题,本文详细介绍了他如何通过起一个好名字来使 Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis Professors of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts These notes are copyright-protected but may be freely distributed for instructional nonprofit pruposes.
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非线性规划第2版(大牛Dimitri P. Bertsekas)中文版- 金融工程
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Dimitri P. Bertsekas November, 1995 Preface to the Second Edition This second edition has expanded by about 130 pages the coverage of the originaL Nearly 40% of the new material represents miscellaneous additions scattered throughout the text . The remainder deals with three new topics. These are: (a) A new section in Chapter 3 that focuses on a simple but far-reaching treatment of Fritz John
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