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23.10.2020 Nintendo Wii Emulators [Nintendo Wii] Pokemon Fire Red Version Ever since Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World gave rise to a noble dynasty of games for a variety of Nintendo consoles, platformers about a cheerful Italian did not have direct sequels (after Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3 sequels did more and more for spin-offs, mainly for pocket consoles). 26.11.2019 Wii U ROMs - Nintendo WiiU Rom iSO torrents. read more Welcome. Dedicated to serving WiiU ROMs. As I download Nintendo Wii U iso rom files I will post the information here so we all can enjoy the new games. And sharing torrents makes them afster for all of the people downloading them so you shoulddo the same!. Wii U Rom Release List . Release Number - Name of the game - Region and Languages Wii Roms & ISO Games. Backup Wii Games to SD, DVD or HDD. Nintendo Wii ISO files are backup copies of Wii GAME DVD discs stored in a single file. Sometimes they are also called Wii ROMs, but that could more closeley describe NES, SNES and N64 games that are emulated on Wii. Nintendo Wii ISOs can be copied to a recordable DVD-R and hopefuly with a help of a modchip you will be able to play

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Wii roms iso下载

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